[Imc] Re: Political postering info?

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Mon Aug 12 18:49:54 UTC 2002

hi chas,

non-profit organizations can have candidate information posted in their
space -- however, they must be equitable in how resources are utilized by
politicians and the non-profit must itself remain non-partisan.  the UCIMC
has a public announcement space where _any_ community member can post
information, adverts, etc.  we do not moderate this posting space and
candidates are all welcome to post their information.  the only time we
might remove posters would be if they directly conflict with our mission
as a social justice and non-discriminatory organization (e.g. hate-speech,
forwarding a discrimination platform).

basically, "501(c)(3)s must be sure that the activity genuinely promotes
public education and voter awareness and that it does not tend, directly
or indirectly, to encourage support for or opposition to any candidate."

see: http://www.afj.org/eadvocacy/section4b.htm for more info.

if WEFT wanted to allow candidates to post information, this is perfectly
permissable by law, but WEFT would not be able to pick and choose which
candidates could post their information.

let me know if you have other questions or concerns,


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