[Imc] Shows Group Meeting Minutes (8/21/02):

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri Aug 23 17:55:47 UTC 2002

Shows Group Meeting Minutes (8/21/02):

Attending: Sascha, Zoe, Cassie, Greg, Derek

We had 3 new folks attend -- all are interested in helping out:

Cassie: booking shows, building bridges with Opening Bands, sound
Zoe: sound, booking shows, flyering, as needed
Derek: flyering & "anything"

at next Wednesday's meeting (9pm) we'll get these folks hooked in with
some veteran shows folks.

Upcomming Shows:  Alix Olson cancelled [and has since "un-cancelled"];
Mecca Normal cancelled due to problems with their record label.  No show
promoters for upcomming shows were present so we didn't do new assignments
for upcomming shows.

Rental of back room:  The landlord would like to begin charging for the
back room -- the negotiated price would be $300/month.  Finance said it
would be affordable if we keep up the pace of shows we've had since March.
Motion passed by consensus.

Art Gallery: Space group discussed the issue and is supportive.  Jason
wasn't present to answer questions, but overall people think it's a good

Recycling: we need a volunteer to take on the job of dumping recycling or
we will be forced to dump recycling into the garbage.  We were not sure if
Zach and Jane had worked this out or not.

Shows in small room: people didn't have a problem with Greg hosting shows
in the middle room -- the major drawback is that shows would have to be
done by 10p.m. (as per our agreement with the landlord when we expanded
into the back room).  Greg would provide the PA & other stuff so that the
back room equipment wouldn't be needed.

Mail: we got 3 new demos -- they'll be distributed at the next shows group


The rest of the meeting was spent giving general orientation, answering
questions, shmoooozing, etc. with the new shows group members.

Respectfully submitted,


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