[Imc] repeating a door lock solution

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Wed Feb 13 17:20:54 UTC 2002

I want suggest again an idea I brought up at steering for the front door.

My understanding is that the front door lock has been "fixed" and that the 
real problem is the alignment of the door -- something that's not easy to 
fix, and may indeed be beyond the IMC's responsibility.  Given that, I 
suggest that we put in a simple extra lock, like a hook and eye, that 
allows someone to lock her/himself in, along with a wireless doorbell.

Such a lock is not going to keep out a determined intruder (of course a 
determined intruder could just throw a brick through the window), but will 
keep out the random drunk stumbling out of the bars who's looking for a 
comfy couch to pass out on (that's an experience I've had at WEFT too many 
times).  Having such a lock that's inaccessible to the outside means that 
people using the IMC after hours are responsible for paying attention to 
the doorbell and letting in other IMCistas.  I think that's a reasonable 

This is just an interim solution that I think can provide some security in 
the absence of something better.


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