[Imc] workspace for librarians

James R. Jacobs radlib at urbana.indymedia.org
Sun Jul 14 04:13:20 UTC 2002

Dear space and steering,

the librarians would like to have a work area in the back. Rather than
just take it over, we'd like to be sure no one minds that we do.  The big
thing that it means is that it can no longer be used as simply a storage
area for random items because it will be a storage/work area for the
library. This makes sense because then we wouldn't have to fight for the
staffer computer in the front room. Paul R. is going to work on networking
a computer beside the library storage shelves (if he hasn't already done
so). Would someone bring this up at steering tomorrow? you can email the
librarians list with any concerns/objections/thumbs-ups etc.


James Jacobs
Radical Librarian

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