[Imc] headlines sought

sarah elzbieta kanouse kanouse at students.uiuc.edu
Mon Jul 15 08:40:46 UTC 2002

I know it's early, but I thought I'd put out the call since I've leaving
town later today (hopefully after getting some sleep).  If anyone is
interested in coordinating/contributing headlines for the July 22nd
newshour, please contact Sehvilla, asta at advancenet.net,  who is
airshifting the show. I produced the show, which is an edited talk by an
artist who worked with the gay catholic community in NY during the 1980s.
It includes lots of lovely sacred music, but it's pitiably incomplete
without YOUR headline.  So send 'em to Sehvilla by next Sunday.

Thanks in advance to all those headline-writers who will be valiantly
wresting themselves from the woodwork in the next few days.


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