[Imc] Article As Repost of Comment Grouped

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 14 00:10:38 UTC 2002

The Caplock Crackpot is back. He posted this article:
which is a repost of an earlier comment he had made to the latest
Ben-Souda story:

Since whoever this person is is clearly identifiable by his style, along
with the fact that they have previously engaged in flooding behavior,
coupled with the fact that the article was simply a slightly changed
repost of a previous comment, I grouped the article together with the
comment. While this has the effect of hiding the article off the
Newswire, I believe that the grouping is justified under the

It is clear from the behavior of this individual that their purpose is
simply to get attention, i.e. these are posts which "whose purpose seems
clearly to be other than informing, educating or adding to a public
discourse." Further discussion at Sunday's Steering group meeting.
Mike Lehman

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