[Imc] Underground Publishing Conference Invitation:

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri Jun 14 13:14:41 UTC 2002

Josh sent out an invite to the UPC and I thought it might interest some
folks.  Josh has done a lot of IMC organizing and may be in town this
weekend (still pending).



Hi. I'm a member of the NYC and Michigan IMCs and I am also an
organizer of the Underground Publishing Conference (UPC).

I am writing to invite you to the conference, which will be held June 21-23
in Bowling Green, Ohio. The UPC is the nation's largest gathering of
alternative media producers and participants. Starting with a rock/hip hop
concert Friday night and proceeding through two full days of panel
discussions and workshops, it is an amazing place to share our tools (to
paraphrase the conference's theme). Over 800 people attended last year.
For more information or to pre-register, visit

If you are interested in coming, you should definitely pre-register. And
please let me know so you can participate in the feedback panel on IMCs.
You can also contact me if you have any questions.

Joshua Breitbart
breitbart at indymedia.org

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