[Imc] Steering Minutes: 6/16/02

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Sun Jun 16 18:08:31 UTC 2002

Steering Minutes 6/16/02

Present: Sascha M. (notes), Mike L. (facilitating), Clint P., Brian H.,
Russ R., Mike W.

Space: Will meet next week & will check the production room door.  Shelly
will be coordinating redoing the floor.  There was a show last night, Mike
W. was staffing, but forgot.  Orion covered?

Print: Met & had dinner & worked on the paper.

Tech:  Switch to DaDa IMC is imminent.  Look for the new and improved
website at an IMC near you.  Clint will move the site over this week.
MoJo has a new power switch -- both power supplies need to be on for MoJo
to work.  Digital Video camera is here and will be operational -- contact
tech at ucimc.org to be trained if you wish to check out the camera.  Andrew
hasn't sent back his MD recorder.  Clint will e-mail him today.  Clint
will be at 2 more steering group meetings; Dan & Paul will take over while
he's away -- no hiatus for the tech group.

Finance:  Sascha is back in town.  Global finances are caught up -- Sascha
& Russ will get local finances all caught up.

Librarians:  on hiatus.

Shows:  all's well.


1. Web policies:  several articles/comments hidden -- supported by

2. Can individual IMC members edit features?  Newswire is not editable
unless features directly contradict our fair-use policy.  Discussed and
decided that unilateral actions by members to edit features should be
avoided.  DaDa will hopefully address this issue.

3. 4th of July: We haven't heard anything from the 4th of July Committee.
We're still waiting for a response.

4. MD from Andrew -- Clint will e-mail him.


1. Quorum:  hiatus by groups o.k. with notice and with the knowledge that
the group will not have decision-making power on the steering committee.

2. Paul's Mics:  Paul was asked by Tech to provide estimated costs of
fixing the mics and the Tech Group would help as possible.  Referred back
to tech.  For future process, estimates will be asked for before repairs
are made.

3.  Charging Stuff: Only charge IMC business.

4.  Capital Campaign:  Sascha wants to raise funds for capital
expenditures.  Russ asked for the creation of an exploratory committee to
look into buying the building.  The coordinating meeting will be held on
Wednesday the 26 at 6:30 P.M.  ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED ARE INVITED TO
ATTEND OR E-MAIL THE SPACE GROUP (space at ucimc.org) to express your

5.  Closed Meetings: If space is rented (e.g. a group has booked the space
for a private function), then groups can choose the participants.  If
meetings are held in the front room/not rented, the IMC is a public space.
While groups can request people/press not to attend, no one can be forced
not to attend public meetings subject to IMC policy.


Zach will take over Space Coordination from Clint.

MONDAY June 17, 2002 -- presentation on FBI harrassment/tactics of
suppressing political dissent.

Adjourned: 1:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

--Sascha Meinrath

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