[Imc] re all the tech stuff

Molly Stentz molly at ojctech.com
Tue Jun 18 15:01:41 UTC 2002

Hello IMC people,

I have been reading all of the IMC email posts as of late (something I
haven't done for awhile) and, put bluntly, it is making me sad.

It seems pretty sensitive and ugly and I would suggest NOT discussing it
over email anymore at all.

If it would be at all useful, I could act as a mediator. I know very
little about what all has happened (have been tuning it out) and so
haven't formed any opinions, though I think I can glean from the emails
what some of the issues are. I'm not really invested in the outcomes of
the decision, either, beyond trying to prevent good people from strangling
each other.

It's just an offer - take it or leave it, doen't matter to me. I'm taking
some days off work this week so I have some time. I just thought I'd poke
my head in and try to offer to help.


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