[Imc] Steering Committee Notes 3/9

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Mon Mar 11 01:19:00 UTC 2002

Steering Committee, 3/9/02

Attending: Sascha (facilitating), Paul R, Jenny, Avram, Russ, Mike L,
James J, Ellen, Brian H, Clint (taking notes), Michael F.

Next week: Paul's show proposals, Back back room approval, overall
structure, alcohol at shows.

Intros skipped, we know each other.


Librarians - Processed a bunch of books, fixed cgi script on archive search.
There is now an archive drop box for the news group.  It's big, noticeable, 
has signs on it, on the desk in the production room.  We will be making 
headway on librarian-crap.  

Outreach - Back back room almost done, and usable.  Stage extensions would
be useful.

Space - Security issues being worked on.  Two new keys, and Mike L. has 
ordered a safe and can cut a drop slot in.

Staffing - Still have openings on Sun/Mon/Tues.

Radio News - Thinking of putting editorial space in news program, maybe five

Shows - First two shows went well.  No problems with sound, but there money
issues, brought up under "concerns."  There is a show tonight, and two next
week.  From March 20th-31st there will be no shows, as a break to deal with 

Tech - Paul R is taking over "taking heat" on fines and such from Brian.
Mojo is happy again, Print server is working again.  Web site / newswire went
down, but Zach restarted it.  Quickbooks has been moved to mojo.  

Aside - What is the copmosting situation.  Clint volunteers to take it
back to his house.

Finance - $300 brought in as profit from show.  Tuesday at noon GMT (6am
local) we will become official fiscal sponsors of global network.  Around
$42k will be transferred to our accounts.  We have to figure out what to
propose in terms of investment and interest to the global group.  Work
on grants and funders continuing.  Founding funders still drying up.  So
far we are still ok, but we may have to re-evaluate our budget around
mid-year.  We could really use help getting the around $7k owed to the
IMC from funders.  If anyone knows lawyers or CPAs that could be
helpful long-term friends, please let Sascha know.  

Print - March issue should go to printer tommorow.  Meeting today to
work out distribution.

Old Business:

Membership meeting - Michael sez: I have talked to Cope, she won't be
able to do invitations for the 19th.  So Michael will do invitations
today, make copies tommorow and get them in the mail tommorow.  We may
have the old postcard files; Michael will contact Peter or Danielle.  No
agenda yet.  This meeting will happen on March 30th; it will be
advertised in the public i.  Clint will coordinate refreshments for the

Theft - Facts are that a person took $40 out of cash register, was
caught doing so, and gave the money back.  This person came to the space
meeting and talked about why this happened and proposals for helping
rebuild trust and preventing future incidents.  Two proposals were
brought.  One was that this person be allowed at the imc, but not
allowed behind the desk for some period of time ( 6 months.)  Another
proposal was that he not be allowed at the imc for a similar period of
time except to attend events.  He has agreed that if he does not show up
to the steering committee, he will abide by the decisions of the
steering committee.

Paul proposes: He not be allowed to be here for six months except for
scheduled events or meetings, i.e. where he will be here in a group.  If
during that time he proposes doing volunteer work as a way to rebuild
trust, he should be allowed to do that.  He must follow this agreement
without enforcement, or the agreement is void and he can be banned
completely from the premises.

Mike L:  I would amend that he shouldn't be allowed to be associated
with money for another six months.

No objections to the proposal.

Second proposal: put notes on the desires and designs board, _with_ the
name of the person in question.  No objections.  Russ will also mail
staffers telling them to read the notes there, and a note will be placed
next to the register.

New business:


Paul: We have never given explicit consensus to the back back broom's 
opening and running as a venue.  

Sascha: We haven't entered into an agreement with the landlord.  We
haven't committed IMC resources.

Clint: Except for lots of money and people-power.

Mike L: It has been implicit consensus.

Paul R:  I reject that for all but tiniest things.

Russ: Also, the "temporary" decisions are turning into permanent ones,
and we haven't considered things like liability insurance.

Ellen:  The question isn't secrecy, it's rather process.  There was no
steering committee discussion of explicitly approving the back back room
work.  The onus has been on the wrong end, making any people with
objections raise a red flag rather than asking them first.  Also,
tensions are very high on this issue.  

Michael F:  Media productions has dramatically suffered due to the work
on the back-back room.  I feel like we are losing focus on making news,
as an organization.

Brian:  I would argue that previously we devoted resources to one type
of news (radio/web/print) and now we are devoting resources to another
(performance as media.)

Paul R: I don't want to block progress, but I would like to see a
budget and plan.  I also have an objection to the person who raises
money having control over how the money is spent.

Mike L: This has been brought up at every steering committee.  

Ellen:  But this was never a heading on the agenda, never a proposal,
always a reporting of "what has happenened."

(Big fight occurred here.)

Reiteration of proposal: We need to see a proposal and budget for the
back-back room, with lots of detail.  

Brian:  This proposal should be under the authorship of some working
group.  I think the space group should do this.

Paul: Also, no work should continue on the back room until the plan is

Sascha: Lets split this into two proposals.

In summary (Clint gets tired of the running commentary):

Space will have a special meeting Wednesday night at 6:30 to create a
plan/budget for the back-back room, including what has happened until
now.  Steering committee will address this plan next Sunday.  For the
intervening week, no imc capital expenditure be spent on the back room.
Volunteer labor and money are not constrained by this proposal.

Added notes.  Please read Becca's comments posted on the Desires and
Designs board.  

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