[Imc] Questions/ Ideas regarding IMC Website

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Wed Mar 13 17:09:28 UTC 2002

i will answer these based on what i know.

>     I know that the software that runs the iMC site ( called Active ) is
being redone and will be drastically improved im sure and these are my
actually, it's not being drastically improved.  only some elements of it
are being modified.  nothing that will make it do what you comment on

> and i am hoping that the New software will drastically increase the
potential for Online coolaboration on projects.

Active software will not increase this potential.  I'm not sure if there
is software that will do what you want (i'm inclined to believe that there
is).  However, the tech group currently has other focuses we are tackling,
and so replacing or creating a new software to run the website is not even
on the list (actually, was taken off the list recently because some of the
technical problems the website was having were solved, and so we're not
sure changing things now is the best use of volunteer resources).

> Also, I am conscerned with the lack of ability to build a story with a
threaded discussion.
the stories are threaded, so to speak.  that's the function of the

> What improvements are being made?

as far as i know, Active is not designed to handle threaded discussions.
Active software is designed to handle posting of material (text, audio,
video, etc.) and responses to that material.  i don't know of any attempt
to change Active to handle such a process.

>  How does one get involved?

involved with what?  changing Active?  learn the PHP programming language,
or create a new code using whatever computer language you find most
suitable to the task.

> What is the decision making structure to implement and fund these ideas?

decision making for the coding of the website takes place with the tech
focus group, every wednesday at 6 pm.  fund what ideas?  if you're
referring to funding the programming, there is no funding for this.  all
work is volunteer (and greatly appreciated!!!).

> How soon will this occur?

how soon will what occur?  changing of the website to include your
concerns?  probably never unless you do it.  those of us on the tech group
are already taxed.  so, if you want it to happen, make it happen.  come to
the tech group and let us know what you want to do to make this happen.

> Another Valuable Qustion I have is :
> What is the Mission Statement of the Urbana iMC in regard to the Community ?

the same as it is in regard to everything else.  i forget the exact
wording (it is available at the imc somewhere...one of those things i'm
working on to make more visible), but it refers to providing resources for
those voices not accessible or participating in the dominant media.

> basically , what i am wondering is how you all see the iMC fitting in the
community , the University , the state, the midwest usa and the internet ?

it fits in how people want it to fit and make it to fit in.  and for each
person involved, the answer is different.  i see it as described above in
my abbreviated and paraphrased description of the U-C IMC mission
statement (which, some people might argue still needs to be hammered out)

> Also, what i would enjoy seeing is a list of projects ,sort of a todo list

then make one.  remember, things get done because those interested in
having them happen make them happen.  there is a version of this already
at the imc.  if it's not to the extent you want, feel free to modify it.

> Is or should the IMC Calendar serve the entire community and if so then we
should figure how to best organize this community in utilizing this valuable

the IMC calendar can serve the entire community.  however, it currently
focuses on imc projects and things the imc is supporting (not that other
events aren't on it).  the only way currently that i know of to get other
agencies to use it is to let them know about it.  i, myself, however,
don't have the time to contact folks to let them know about this.

> threaded discussion forum
> I am having a very hard time communicating with all you activists , with so
many many things needing our attention I think it makes sense that we institute
the best possible means of communicating, a.k.a. a threaded discussion forum
such as a few of the IMC's have implemented

i'm not certain that a discussion forum is all that useful.  look at
aware's discussion forum.  hardly anyone uses it.  the U-C IMC has a real
space (not just a virtual space), and thus almost all discussion actually
occurs in person, rather than online.  in our community, it seems people
communicate most efficiently (and through the best possible means) by
face-to-face conversations.

> such as Los Angeles iMC  goto LAiMC site and click on Bulletin Board
> I also think it would be extremely useful to implement a chat room , for
the very purpose of chatting and coolaboration on ideas

how would a chat room be more useful than meeting with folks in person?

> feel free to email me individually and/or the entire list and I then if
needed will re-post my thoughts on this...
> Another plug for Bulletin Boards
> Much of the individual conversations that fill my email box daily and take
time to delete could be taken care of through a threaded discussion board
where if I am interested and Only if I am interested will I be subjected to
unneeded info , thus allowing me more time to change/save the planet

Bulletin boards are not the same thing as email boxes.  just because we
have a bulletin board doesn't mean your email box won't be filled with
individual conversations, still.  most likely, you'd be inundated with
even more information (now needing to read both email and bulletin boards,
not to mention following chatrooms and reading the calendar), and so you'd
probably not even know what to look at (the critical problem of overflow
of information).

>     If you fail to see the usefulness of this please email me
solaraycer at yahoo.com and I will explain this further.
> Yes I do feel it will take a bit of time for this to become utilized to its
potential but have used this type of discussion for many years on the internet
and can easily say that bulletin board tye dicussions  exponentially improves
the efficiency and efectiveness of those using it!

perhaps your familiarity with bulletin boards allows you to think they are
better.  however, given how people behave in the urbana-champaign area,
i'm not sure they would be effective, or at least to the degree you're
thinking.  for the global site, perhaps, they might be better, since
face-to-face conversations usually can't happen due to geographic
constraints.  the global imc does use an irc channel in order to
communicate (but that has it's drawbacks because the clock is not standard
on this planet, so for some people the chattimes are during sleeptimes or
worktimes...which is why global does much more via email, gives people a
chance to respond).

it's not that what you want can't happen.  it's more that the current
volunteers want to work on other projects.  so, if you want it (it being any
of what you said above) to happen, then do it.  come to the wednesday
tech group so that you can tell us how you want to make these things
happen (and we can follow the consensus model).

> disclaimer: I do realize that for some of you this email is somewhat
redundant  but for me the answers to these question are very much needed and I
feel this is the best way in answering them..by asking !

you have been given answers before (pretty similar to the ones above).
however, i understand that if something is confusing, or passionate, that
repeating of answers might need to happen.

> so, please help me become the best activist i can be and i in turn will help
you !

um, i'm not at all sure what that statement means.

> most sincerity,
> Michael Walcher


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