[Imc] Steering Committee Notes, 3/24/02

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Sun Mar 24 18:56:02 UTC 2002

Steering Committee, 3/24/02

Attending: Sascha (facilitating), Paul R, Avram, Russ, Mike L,
James J, Ellen, Brian H, Clint (taking notes), Mike W., Eric H.


Librarians - Had a meeting last week, got the archive and search forms 
working.  New items have been added to the library.  The web site has
been improved, including lots of juicy government information.

Radio - Pauline did tomorrow's radio show from the deep deep south, and 
Avram is editing it.

A brief discursion occurred here on checking equipment out as a

Outreach - Peter and Brian updated mailing list and mailed invites to 
membership meeting.  Next task is to contact expiring-members.

Space - Liability people still haven't returned calls.  We had a

Tech - Nada.

Booking - Didn't meet.

Finance - Founding funders are drying up.  We may have run a deficit
this month for the first time ever.  More information as it comes in.

Membership meeting:

	Mailings have happened.  Ellen has offered to help Mike
facilitate the structure-document part of the meeting.  

	There is a proposal to set the dates for the biannual meeting
for the first Saturday in April and the first Thursday evening in
October.  Passes.

Spring cleaning:

	April 7th after steering there will be a work party to clean out
the junk pile.  Notice will be given to various groups and to the imc as
a whole. 


	Russel's PA is broken again; it is producing lots of noise.  It
needs to be taken to CV Loyd's.  Paul R. is going to try to take it
there on Tuesday.  Jimmy Meyers (sound guy from Canopy club) is going to
come in Wednesday night, and he may loan us something to work for the
AM/FM show.  He is also going to offer advice as to what we should buy,
and after that a proposal will be brought about what to why.  Jimmy has
also offered to teach a class on the PA.


	Print group has no spokes.  We're hoping they come up with some
spokes sometime soon.  

Staffing incentive:

	Starting in April, the shows group will be given a list of
active staffers each month, and each staffer can enter one $6-or-less
show a month for free.  Passed by consensus.


Deloris Henry:

	Deloris will be out of town on Tuesday the 26th recruiting
teachers (her job.)  The school board has called an emergency meeting on
that day in an attempt to reclassify her position.  This meeting will be
held at 6pm at the Mellon Administration Building on the corner of 6th
and John in Champaign.  We really want a huge turnout at this meeting to
help support Deloris.  She is our best hope for addressing racial equity
in the school system, and that's probably why she is being sacked.

Living Wage:

	Monday the 25th (tomorrow) the living wage proposal will be
brought to the Urbana City Council.  The meeting is at 7:30 at the
Urbana City Building on vine street.  We'd like another large presence
in support of the resolution.

Meeting Adjourned.

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