[Imc] Urbana Public Television Production Assistant - job opening

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Tue May 7 14:50:56 UTC 2002

The city is hiring a production assistant for Urbana Public TV - 15 hours
a week at $9/hour.  (There is a chance both of these will increase in the
future since UPTV is going through a major growth spirt).

I envision that this person will be an outreach person and production
assistant to the community - letting the community know that *they* have
their *very own TV channel* and that with some assistance from this staff
position, they can record events and produce shows for air on UPTV
(Channel 6).

Although this position is small, it is a key position in giving the public
- especially those under represented - access to media to raise their
issues.  As a UPTV Commissioner, I have strongly argued that a Production
Assistant is needed to be out in the community, recording events, making
connections, and increasing access.

Women and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply because their
connections in the community may be different than the connections UPTV
currently has in the community.

You can download the application at:

Please forward this message to anyone you know who may be interested.
They should mail or fax in the application soon.



Danielle Chynoweth

Graphic Design Director * On the Job Consulting, Inc. * www.onthejob.net
Alderperson,  Ward 4 * Urbana City Council * www.city.urbana.il.us

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