[Imc] Mobilivre/Bookmobile

sarah elzbieta kanouse kanouse at students.uiuc.edu
Fri May 24 12:52:27 UTC 2002

I have interviewed two of the organizers of the Bookmobile tour, and I
definitely vote to host it.  I can promote it by producing a radio piece
on the newshour the week before the event and am willing to write an
article for the CityView.

The Bookmobile is a really inspiring project: a group of feminist artists
and media activists working really hard to bring the work of hundreds of
bookmakers and zine publishers to thousands of people across the US and
Canada.  The also see it as an organizing tool: by inviting local artists
to talk about bookmaking and leading bookmaking workshops in each town
they visit, they hope to ignite locl bookmaking and independent publishing
movements wherever they go.

I have been hungry for the IMC to do more art/media programs for a long
time, and I am thrilled by the idea of hosting Bookmobile.


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