[Imc] OUTREACH: Volunteer Fair -- September 5, 2002 (9a.m.-2p.m.)

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Tue Sep 3 17:49:13 UTC 2002

Hi everyone,

I've signed up the IMC for the 2002 Volunteer Fair that the Office of
Volunteer Programs is organizing.  The fair is advertized throughout the
campus and over 1000 students who are specifically interested in
volunteering with local organizations will be attending.  This is probably
the _single most important_ student recruitment opportunity you'll have
this year.  I've worked out to have the registration fee waived, and have
up to 2 boxed lunches provided (veggie or non-) for volunteers who'll be
staffing the table.

If we don't have volunteers staffing our table from the start we'll
forfeit our space.  This is an incredible opportunity for getting new
volunteers for our groups and I would strongly encourage interested
working groups to have representatives present.  If you or your working
group can have people there, please e-mail me ASAP so that we can
coordinate.  Again, every effort should be made to have a presence -- I'd
hate to see us miss this opportunity,

Let me know,


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