[Imc] Re: [Imc-newsroom] OUTREACH: Volunteer Fair -- September 5, 2002 (9a.m.-2p.m.)

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Tue Sep 3 17:51:27 UTC 2002

What's the date?

Sascha Meinrath wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>I've signed up the IMC for the 2002 Volunteer Fair that the Office of
>Volunteer Programs is organizing.  The fair is advertized throughout the
>campus and over 1000 students who are specifically interested in
>volunteering with local organizations will be attending.  This is probably
>the _single most important_ student recruitment opportunity you'll have
>this year.  I've worked out to have the registration fee waived, and have
>up to 2 boxed lunches provided (veggie or non-) for volunteers who'll be
>staffing the table.
>If we don't have volunteers staffing our table from the start we'll
>forfeit our space.  This is an incredible opportunity for getting new
>volunteers for our groups and I would strongly encourage interested
>working groups to have representatives present.  If you or your working
>group can have people there, please e-mail me ASAP so that we can
>coordinate.  Again, every effort should be made to have a presence -- I'd
>hate to see us miss this opportunity,
>Let me know,
>Imc-newsroom mailing list
>Imc-newsroom at urbana.indymedia.org

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