[IMC] Allied Media Conference 2012 - Nation Inside: Communication Strategies Against Mass Incarceration

Benjamin Sugar benjamin at betweenthebars.org
Thu Mar 8 22:29:50 UTC 2012


My name is Benjamin Sugar and I, along with a few others are heading up a network gathering and communications workshop at the Allied Media Conference in Detroit, MI in late June.  If found your site as I was looking at the Books for Prisoners project and was wondering if you wouldn't mind passing this along to anyone you think might be interested.

Many thanks,

Benjamin Sugar


Nation Inside: Communication Strategies Against Mass Incarceration
Are you part of a dedicated grassroots group fighting a campaign against mass incarceration?  Are you campaigning against your state privatizing its prisons, the cost of phone calls, building immigration detention centers, or making policies that continue a broken and expensive criminal justice system?  

Would your campaign benefit from stronger messaging, better communication capacity, and a broader base of support?  If so please consider joining us for Nation Inside.  

We'll kick off Nation Inside on June 28th with a network gathering of criminal justice reform advocates all across the United States.  Nation Inside is a training camp for advocates who are organizing grassroots campaigns for criminal justice reform; who want to participate in an intensive and fun network gathering; and who want to work together to advance our campaigns’ use of communication strategies.  We will pick-up flip-cams, test our messaging, build our communication capacity, and network with other advocates from across the United States.  


Where: Detroit, MI (Wayne State University)
When: Nation Inside is June 27-29th. (the 27th is a travel abd the 29th is in the AM only)   The Allied Media Conference is from June 29th - July 1st. 
Cost: Registration is on a sliding scale from $40.00 to $100.00. Housing is $45.00 per night.  You must cover your own travel expenses.  Registration covers the cost for both the network gathering and the Allied Media Conference.

Note: You do not have to attend the entirety of the AMC to participate, but the cost of the conference is included in your registration costs.

We have a limited number of scholarships available, and, in addition, we have seed grants to help you organize grassroots funds in your local community.  We will have a “briefing conference call” to explain how people can fundraise to attend NATION INSIDE and the ALLIED MEDIA CONFERENCE.

Nation Inside has limited space.  SIGN-UP TODAY for more information.

Questions: Contact Nick Szuberla at nickszub at gmail.com or at 606-454-8864.

Nation Inside is organized in part by Thousand Kites, Human Rights Defense Center/Prison Legal News, AdvoCare, RIHD, and Between the Bars.


team at thousandkites.org - www.kitescampaigns.org - 91 Madison Ave. - Whitesburg, KY 41858

Click here to unsubscribe


Nick Szuberla, director of hustle
nickszub at gmail.com
1338 Jenkins Road
Whitesburg, KY 41858

wk: 606.454-8864



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