[IMC] Political Prisoners' Birthdays In October

ppbirthday at riseup.net ppbirthday at riseup.net
Fri Oct 5 04:14:15 UTC 2012

Hello Friends and Comrades,

Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for October. As always,
please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing
night of your own. We're experimenting with the format a little, so this
month is a double sided 11x17 that can also be used as a poster to promote
your local letter writing night. Let us know what you think.

The NC Latin King's trial is less than two weeks away. Gang truce
organizing is work that the prison books collective supports
wholeheartedly. So we stand behind these men as they go to trial on these
bogus charges. They are clearly being taken down for the work they've done
with peace treaty work and their anti-police activism in Greensboro. We
are terrified for our friends as they are facing life in prison. Our
hearts go out to them and their families. The legal defense coalition of
Greensboro is asking for donations to help get court clothes for them and
other supplies. Also a 26 minute youtube video has just been released
about Jorge Cornell and some of the work the NC Latin Kings have been
doing. A new zine has also been released on the NC Latin Kings case. If
you are in NC, please come pack the courtroom. Check out the prison books
website for regular updates.
Please donate here:
You Tube video is here:
New zine is here:
http://zinelibrary.info/files/GuiltyCountyCompleteIMPOSED.pdf"> zine

According to a statement released yesterday, two trans women incarcerated
in the R.J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego County have been on
hunger strike for over a week in an attempt to be allowed to share a cell
together. Because they are trans, prison officials refuse to take them off
single-cell status. They are asking their supporters to call in and help:
Call Warden Paramo the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility: (619)
661-6500 and demand that Eva Contreraz (C-45857) and Catarine LaPre
(K-67313) be take off single-cell status and be allowed to share a cell.
Demand that an end to the discriminatory housing policy against trans
women in the correctional facility. More info here:

More people have been arrested in the Political Witch Hunt going on in the
north west. Here is a list of 7 things you can do to help the north west
grand jury resisters.

4STRUGGLEMAG has just updated their blog. There are new writings from
David Gilbert and Jaan Laaman, as well as many updates on prison struggles
and more. http://4strugglemag.org

Viki Law has published a great article No Justice When Women Fight Back.
This is a great article about the criminal justice system incarcerating
women for defending themselves from  their attackers.

Lastly, here is a link to the latest Political Prisoner/Prisoner Of War
every-other week update by the  NYC-Anarchist Black Cross. There are lots
of good updates on many political prisoners.

Until Every Cage Is Empty,
The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective

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