[IMC] [Press Release] Prominent Scholar and Activist Angela Davis Visits the CU Community

University YMCA megan at universityymca.org
Wed Sep 11 20:15:39 UTC 2013

University YMCA-UIUC
1001 S. Wright Street, Champaign, IL 61820
www.universityymca.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LQX_hhuOuRa6HdqlFXxlyFyHL1YKWCisg93xIQ92YTc8pCfE4qtKC1Q8BxBFqlwqPIdATPM26JdY11C4tYHbZogn5OYSay-XjE8cj1Onn3BYzfZef69tl6uhvkta9-WA]

[P] 217.337.1500 [F] 217.337.1533|


September 11, 2013

Media Contact:

Francisco Baires, Community Programs Director

217.337.1500 | francisco at universityymca.org

The Work of Liberating Minds:

Angela Davis Visits the CU Community

WHAT: The University YMCA hosts well known scholar, author, and activist, Professor
Angela Davis will give a noontime talk of how and why more than 2 million Americans
are presently behind bars, and the corporations who profit from their suffering.
 Davis will discuss the biases that criminalize communities of color, politically
disenfranchising huge chunks of minority voters in the process. Uncompromising in
her vision, Davis calls not merely for prison reform, but for nothing short of 'new
terrains of justice.'

QUOTE: "The Champaign Urbana community is really excited to hear Angela Davis speak,"
says University YMCA Community Programs Director Francisco Baires.  "The University
YMCA, along with our community partners such as the Champaign Urbana Citizens for
Peace and Justice and the Education Justice Project and many other cosponsors, are
thrilled to be bringing Angela Davis to our community for this special, not to be
missed event."

WHEN: Friday, September 27th, 2013 at 12 Noon

WHERE: To Be Announced

WHO:Angela Davis, a well-known scholar and author, emerged as a nationally prominent
American political activist in the 1970s.  In much of her work, Professor Davis 
draws upon her own experiences in the early seventies as a person who spent eighteen
months in jail and on trial, after being placed on the FBI's "Ten Most Wanted List."
Having helped to popularize the notion of a "prison industrial complex," she now
 urges her audiences to think seriously about the future possibility of a world 
without prisons and to help forge a 21st century abolitionist movement.

Professor Davis is the founder of Critical Resistance, an organization working to
abolish the prison-industrial complex. She is a retired professor with the History
of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and is 
the former director of the university's Feminist Studies department.

WHY: The University YMCA, CU Citizens for Peace and Justice (CUCPJ), the Education
Justice Project, along with the University YMCA's many other Friday Forum co-sponsors
want this community visit and talk with Angela Davis to inspire more people to get
involved in issues of incarceration, not only regionally and nationally, but locally
as well.  The University YMCA encourages people to learn more about the work of 
CUCPJ and to join their campaign to stop Champaign county from building a $20 million

According to CU Citizens for Peace and Justice [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LQX_hhuOuRZcz0h6JwTW-SGhA-m8sAOeGpTEuHeHrjW7xlr15Khed1RpkKujzL6i_KfVO-lOkndFrje3C5VtrS7NNNZBFg5KlYc1kbsFar8-vTqBiLG0YFIY43uAnS2iSIWH4SjQTQ8eLEt2w5rRN5qD2ZJigairOslSa4MBeK5AhJ7eI2eFyYMnJDUtXiSQUOP6_z8TAYc=],
"The Champaign County Board is considering a proposal to spend $20 million on new
jail cells. They claim the current downtown jail, built in 1980, is beyond repair.
The Board plans to pay for the new jail cells from the public safety sales tax which
brings in about $4 million per year. We say the Board, rather than spending $20 
million on jail construction, should focus on investing in preventative services
 that will keep people out of jail and prison, things like youth job training, mental
health centers, substance abuse treatment and re-entry programs for people returning
home from prison."

WEBSITE:  universityymca.org/friday_forum [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LQX_hhuOuRZkoxPzOwroIH9HECBwpm0HuoBrSmnP42X-1pfzUi_eGIPhss2quaolwBfsx_ivY42XuzJ7y91ewqvfOUC_QcwyEZqBwl_jwwrbMBn_szELt_3Kx4PqdHfS0D7XJ1WoTt3OBtQJWA9Jtg==]
Editor's Note: Angela Davis will not be available for interviews with local media
during her visit in Champaign-Urbana.



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