[Imcamericorps] Refrigerators

leon mcgee leonmcgeeamericorps at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 08:17:46 CST 2010

It appears that the refrigerators are collecting a lot of products that are
not being use. There are items starting to spoil or have spoiled, and have
been in the fridges for a long period of time. So starting after Christmas,
any food, drinks, and condiments in the fridges need a name on them. This is
so we can assure that it belongs to someone. If no name it will be thrown
away. Also, you have until Friday of every week before 6pm to remove your
items  for cleaning or it will be thrown away. The fridge is not for
storage.  The fridge will be check for name and cleanliness. If your item is
making a mess it will be toss.

On a final note, using something that is not yours is wrong. If your name is
not on it then do not touch it. For example; I had a Arizona bottle, no
label, in the main floor fridge. It was gone in couple of hours. Now luckily
it was just water, but what if I had a fever? Some sort of disease? Or what
if it was your water? I think you’d be mad. So with a close, if I get to
many complaints about food being taken, or what ever else might be the
issue. The refrigerators will be put away.

Any questions feel free to contact me by email.

Building Coordinator
Leon McGee
202 S Broadway
Urbana, IL 61801
Leonmcgeeamericorps at gmail.com
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