[OccupyCU] Occupy the Holidays | Stuff Swap

Rachel Storm rachelstrm at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 04:14:03 UTC 2012

*Occupy the Holidays | Stuff Swap*
Saturday | 5:00pm until 8:00pm
Bring stuff from your house that you don't want anymore--let's swap,
barter, trade, etc. No need to shop in stores this holiday season---let's
occupy the holidays and repurpose, remake, and reuse!  Clothes * Housewares
* Paper goods * Music * Films * Crafts * Artwork * Zines * Shoes * Books *
Appliances * Antiques * Bath Stuffz * Instruments * Electronics * Toys

Bring your stuff, trade, get inspired, get gifts together. We'll have
coffee, tea, wine, and some snacks. Don't have any junk? (Wow, that's
tremendous... can you teach me?) Come anyway and hang out with some friends.

404 S. Poplar St. Urbana, IL 61820
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