[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Clinton's speeches

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Thu Sep 6 19:15:59 UTC 2012

This is quite right - forgotten in the wake of 9/11 & the US invasions.

Just as people forget (if they ever knew) that Nixon was elected in 1968 because he ran against the Kennedy-Johnson war in SE Asia - promising that he had a secret plan to end it...

On Sep 6, 2012, at 2:05 PM, "E. Wayne Johnson" <ewj at pigsqq.org> wrote:

> Ron Paul pointed out on Jay Leno's show the other night (the Tonight show, not the classic car show) that 
> Amerikans elected GWBush because they were tired of the war in Yugoslavia, and because W. had promised
> a humble foreign policy and no nation building.  
> Bush was indeed sincere whether he actually meant it or not, and the popularity of Clinton's war 
> having reached a nadir, the ox of war was gored for awhile it seemed.
> Of course that Hopium wore off too.

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