[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Clinton's speeches

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Thu Sep 6 19:24:04 UTC 2012

This is quite right - forgotten in the wake of 9/11 & the US invasions.

Just as people forget (if they ever knew) that Nixon was elected in 1968 because he ran against the Kennedy-Johnson war in SE Asia - promising that he had a secret plan to end it...

From the Spanish-American War to today, the American people are always much more opposed to war than their (mis)leaders, who have to lie and scheme to get them to back wars. As Senator Arthur Vandenberg told Harry Truman, to get the Cold War going, "You have to scare hell out of the American people”:

<http://www.mediamouse.org/news/2005/04/scare-hell-out-of-the-american.php>.  --CGE

On Sep 6, 2012, at 2:05 PM, "E. Wayne Johnson" <ewj at pigsqq.org> wrote:

> Ron Paul pointed out on Jay Leno's show the other night (the Tonight show, not the classic car show) that 
> Amerikans elected GWBush because they were tired of the war in Yugoslavia, and because W. had promised
> a humble foreign policy and no nation building.  
> Bush was indeed sincere whether he actually meant it or not, and the popularity of Clinton's war 
> having reached a nadir, the ox of war was gored for awhile it seemed.
> Of course that Hopium wore off too.

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