[OccupyCU] [sf-core] Another Guantánamo prisoner death highlights Democrats' hypocrisy

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Wed Sep 12 01:13:56 UTC 2012

This story is incredibly sad and infuriating in equal parts: http://is.gd/5PofFz  more here: http://is.gd/2vTQ7W [Glenn Greenwald]

On Sep 11, 2012, at 7:40 PM, "C. G. Estabrook" <cge at shout.net> wrote:

> ‎"...the system of indefinite detention from the start has been central to Obama's plan for these detainees. Put another way, even if Congress had given Obama everything he wanted, the system that means that death is the only way out for many detainees would have been fully preserved. 
> "The excuse-making for Obama – 'oh, he tried to close the camp but Congress would not let him' – is simply a deceitful tactic Democrats have concocted to justify their total silence about a grave injustice they once pretended to find so appalling and their raucous swooning for a president who supports it.
> "There is, however, one one significant difference in this regard between Bush's and Obama's policies. Whereas Bush preferred to detain people without due process or judicial review, Obama simply kills them..."
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/sep/11/guantanamo-prisoner-death-democrats

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