[OccupyCU] Occupy Privilege

Ingbert Schmidt ifloyd2 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 08:36:45 UTC 2012

I (white male) agree with Rachel and Brook.

I have been hoping to keep up with Occupy on the listserv since I've been
unable to attend meetings, but frankly I'm not really seeing many posts
about meaningful action (though maybe I'm just missing them because of all
the noise). Posting information, fine. "Yelling" at people who disagree
with you--find a location on the internet that welcomes trolling, they're
out there, I promise.

In an effort to be constructive, here are some things that would make me
very happy to see, and that I can only hope are happening in the meetings I
am unable to attend.

* Because we are a local branch, discussion about what is happening locally
* For example, given that Occupy started in reaction to the greed and
predatory nature of banks, what are our local banks doing?
* Yes, we have national chains. Also, what are Busey, UIECU, and other
local and regional banks up to? What are their lending practices? Do they
chop and sell mortgages? How do they treat their employees? Is the
community support/outreach they do lipstick on a pig or are they actually
examining their communities and trying to make a difference? What can we do
to pressure them to change if they are, in fact, acting irresponsibly?
* Anything recent regarding Flex 'n Gate?
* Are there other Flex 'n Gates in town?
* Walmart boycott. Step 2: how do we make sure that the Walmart employees
aren't left high-and-dry should the boycott be successful and they have to
close their locations in town.
* What about identifying good employers, sustainable farms and
manufacturers? What's good in our community?
* And HOW do we effect change? Hating on everybody doesn't do anything but
isolate people. I'd like to think that we joined occupy because we want to
be in this thing together, you know, solidarity and all that. So how to we
effect change through concerted action? How do we become concerted?
* Etc.

I'm not saying we should do all or any of these, I just think conversations
that are positive and focused on effecting real change on a scale that we
have influence over--the local--is the most exciting to me. And, of course,
followed up by action. :)


On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 12:24 AM, Rachel Storm <rachelstrm at gmail.com> wrote:

> *I realized I posted this within another thread and ought to make it
> clear that it is a separate issue. I'm reposting here. *
> I must share this...
> I've been both terribly bored and fairly annoyed at how this Occupy
> listserv is being used. I am someone that cannot regularly attend Occupy
> meetings and for me, it's important to be able to stay connected, but what
> is Occupy here--in this communication space? What is worth occupying? There
> is nothing revolutionary about conversations here. I can listen to white
> men man'splain in desperate pissing contests virtually anywhere--that's
> what patriarchy continues to afford me. I'm tired of having to ask men in
> the movement to *check their privilege.* It shouldn't have to be asked--
> I hear men in the movement say they want revolution, but I don't see
> willingness to do the work. We are failing to model what we seek. We need
> more imagination than this. We can do better.
>    - We can value dialogue over debate. Modeling that we're a community
>    of people seeking understanding, rather than trying to get their word in
>    edgewise. Those with privilege in the movement (men, white folks, etc.) can
>    step back, make space, talk less/listen more. This isn't hard to do and
>    makes a world of difference. (Just count the number of women, people of
>    color, etc. actively engaged on these C-U activist lists or being listened
>    to at meetings and you'll see how deep this problem is.)
>    - We can "check each other" in an act of care. Knowing that we're not
>    perfect, but we're trying and we have a responsibility to help one another
>    grow where possible. We can tell those who are dominating conversation to
>    step back, to ask for clarification, and to listen.
>    - We can reject "occupation" as our language in solidarity with native
>    peoples all over North America. We can privilege people of color and
>    women's voices--knowing these voices ought to drive the movement that seeks
>    decolonization and an end to marginalization.
>    - We can spend more time imagining what we want, alternatives, and *raging
>    where it matters!*
> In the past month alone, I've witnessed a silencing conversation around
> the rape allegations facing Assange that signals to me--as a woman--that
> the same men that say they care about women in the movement are no where to
> be found when it comes time to stand up against violence against women.
> I've been to meetings where women's voices were rarely heard--and I know my
> sisters had plenty to say!
> I am reminded of Adrienne Rich who cautioned a white-led feminist
> movement, "Without addressing the whiteness of white feminism, our movement
> will turn in on itself and collapse."
> There are other voices we need in this space. This local organizing will
> not last unless we turn our attention to these matters.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_s3X0uW9Ec&feature=player_embedded
> love and rage,
> RS
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Ingbert Schmidt
http://ingbert.org/     ||     skype/twitter/etc.: spacesoon

"Dream in a pragmatic way."
-Aldous Huxley
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