[Peace-discuss] Recommended videos for AWARE on the Air, News from Neptune, and Labor's World View TV

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Tue Nov 3 17:01:45 UTC 2020

Here are the video suggestions I've sent to Jason Liggett of UPTV to run during AWARE 
on the Air, News from Neptune, and the final two are for playing in Labor's World 
View TV's timeslot. As before, I've asked Jason to prioritize AWARE member suggested 
videos ahead of my suggestions for AOTA/NFN and to prioritize anything David Johnson 
prefers for Labor's World View TV.



Consortium News
https://youtube.com/watch?v=YGAL0GcaN5s -- (1h51m24s)"A Terrible Choice - Chris 
Hedges, Rick Wolff, Jill Stein, and Mike Gravel" on the presidential option before us.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=JKMhf0CUd9o -- (59m56s) on voter suppression

https://youtube.com/watch?v=s-mTqXP4bGw -- (14m01s) The Purged: The Vanished Voters 
of Trump's America (goes along with the voter suppression) -- report from Greg Palast 
on whose votes don't count, which voters are being disallowed from making a vote.


https://cdnv.rt.com/files/2020.10/5f9d3dbb203027154b630bea.mp4 -- (27m19s) Afshin 
Rattansi interviews comic and political commentator Jimmy Dore on "why Joe Biden’s 
record as vice president and as a senator is worse than Donald Trump’s. He also talks 
about Biden’s responsibility for the Crime Bill, leading to the US having the world’s 
biggest prison population; Kamala Harris’ role in upholding the prison-industrial 
complex; whether Donald Trump is better than Joe Biden; the alleged smearing of 
Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard during the primaries; why Biden won’t move to the 
left if he becomes president; and much more. Also, former senior adviser to Bernie 
Sanders, Phillip Agnew on the recent protests in Philadelphia after the police 
killing of another African American, Donald Trump’s ‘bungled’ response to the 
coronavirus pandemic, why black and poor people in the US have a poor choice on both 
sides, why he believes progressives and Americans should vote for Joe Biden despite 
his record, the shadow of McCarthyism over Joe Biden and the United States, what 
corporations and private banks can expect from a Biden presidency" (quote from Going 

https://cdnv.rt.com/files/2020.10/5f9d1c1685f54011604d8125.mp4 -- (27m32s) Afshin 
Rattansi interviews "President Donald Trump’s top coronavirus adviser Scott Atlas of 
the White House Coronavirus Task Force, from the White House. He discusses President 
Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic and criticisms of the response, his 
belief that lockdowns were a failure of public policy, Bill Gates calling him a 
‘pseudo-expert’ and ‘off the rails’, differences with Anthony Fauci who called him an 
‘outlier’ on the task force, and why he believes the damage of lockdowns is greater 
than the benefits for Americans. He also details why he believes the economy should 
reopen, why models predicting 500,000+ more deaths in America are wrong, why South 
Asian nations handled the pandemic better than the United States" (quote from Going 
Underground). This contains the interview that Atlas later apologized for 
(https://twitter.com/SWAtlasHoover/status/1322962638012358657) saying:
> I recently did an interview with RT and was unaware they are a registered foreign 
> agent. I regret doing the interview and apologize for allowing myself to be taken 
> advantage of. I especially apologize to the national security community who is 
> working hard to defend us.

In https://on.rt.com/attn RT explained what the interview covered and gave their 
response to Atlas' apology. This article included:
> No explanation was offered for how voicing opinions on a Russian-funded
> television outlet might jeopardize US national security. None was needed.
> Democrats and mainstream media outlets have repeatedly squashed discussion of 
> undesirable information or viewpoints, by alleging a nefarious Russian plot behind
> the report. Such tactics were used, for example, to dismiss damning information
> about the Hillary Clinton campaign – released by WikiLeaks in 2016 – and recent
> revelations about alleged influence-peddling by Democratic presidential candidate
> Joe Biden's family.

I thought it would be better to understand the interview by seeing the interview itself.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I2hqcOhmDE -- (27m 5s) Jordan Chariton interviews 
Chris Hedges on putting Joe Biden in context including a sharp review of Biden's 
record. Thanks to Karen Aram for this recommendation.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=GxSN4ip_F6M -- (1h58m) Chris Hedges on "The Politics of 
Cultural Despair", a talk he gave to a mostly empty audience, on what comes when the 
political choices the establishment puts in front of us are horrible.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XOKhl75chaY -- (2h21m56s) "On the eve of the Civil War 
Election: The Breakdown of American Democracy and the Fight for Socialism" from the 
Socialist Equality Party and World Socialist Web Site which stresses how the 
capitalistic countries have fought COVID-19 and where that fight has gone horribly 
wrong when viewed from the perspective of the death count and the effect on the 
living workers in those countries.

Regarding Amazon on unions and how Amazon treats workers amidst Coronavirus

https://youtube.com/watch?v=uRpwVwFxyk4 -- (29m03s) Amazon's Union-busting Training 
Video (the anti-union propaganda which Amazon told Whole Foods management in 2018 
which was leaked to the public).

https://youtube.com/watch?v=V3MuVRza6qs -- (50m26s) Christian Smalls, fired Amazon 
worker, on how Coronavirus is being dealt with by Amazon and Jeff Bezos, the world's 
richest man. This is an audio interview with a still for the video. This should go 
together with the previous anti-unionization video as they both cover workers backing 
actions in an attempt to compel management to treat workers better.

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