[Peace-discuss] George Galloway & Anya Parampil putting the Capitol march, break-in into context

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sun Jan 10 19:28:55 UTC 2021

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZKJUie1fJQc -- live feed of show

- establishment media showing where they stand with comments like those from Martha 
Raddatz saying they're not in Bogota and other places where they expect to see such 
acts, acts that are fomented by the US against others.

- That was Trump sending a message to establishment that he'll remain a force to be 
reckoned with after the 20th when Biden takes the presidency.

- What about the complicity of the police on the scene who were shown taking selfies 
with others, allowing people into the capitol. "Police were collaborating with 
pro-Trump [protestors]", Parampil said.


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