[Peace-discuss] "Breaking Points" with Krystal Ball & Saagar Enjeti repeat pro-war propaganda against China

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sat Oct 16 23:24:01 UTC 2021

I wrote:
> Jackson Hinkle lays it out in 
> https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1448721021020753938 [...]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMhtLDenmd4 (I expect the transcript to eventually 
show up on 
https://www.rt.com/shows/going-underground/537612-john-bolton-iran-afghanistan/) is 
Afshin Rattansi's most recent interview with John Bolton, former US National Security 
Advisor. In case you're wondering why Rattansi's Bolton interview isn't repeating 
pro-war propaganda and Breaking Points interview is, the difference (in a nutshell) 
is objecting to Bolton's framing of issues or "pushback".

Rattansi objects to some of Bolton's descriptions including: pointing out an 
assertion from "Mad Dog" Mattis which Bolton makes in his book that Bolton claims to 
not remember when it was said (in other words, cast doubt on) (around 12m 40s in the 
interview), anti-Iranian sanctions (sanctions are war), anti-Cuban sanctions, and 
anti-Venezuelan sanctions and the self-described "president" of Venezuela Juan Guaidó 
to name a few examples. There's plenty more from Bolton to object to in this 
interview, and I would have liked to see more objection, but it's better than letting 
pro-war views go unchallenged and pro-war financial connections go unmentioned.


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