[Peace-discuss] Recent Jimmy Dore shows are worth your time

Brussel, Morton K brussel at illinois.edu
Wed Sep 15 02:35:20 UTC 2021

Apropos of the Dore show with Robt. Malone: Useful to hear about the power of the pharma industry. 
Malone's comments relative to the dangers of vaccines cite results from Israel which have been disputed.  
What i find more interesting  is that there was no mention of the success of China in dealing with the Covid virus: Has its dramatic success been due to a use of vaccines or due to their authoritariann system of detecting, tracing and enforced isolation in their population?   
Also, way too much time (after the half way point) was devoted to the things not directly relevent to Covid prevention,  instead discussing the Ivermecin drug— its efficacy/usefulness, or not . A Dore issue. 

my 2¢.  

> On Sep 14, 2021, at 7:43 PM, J.B. Nicholson via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
> Jimmy Dore is live (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://youtube.com/watch?v=TT29tnrhqNk__;!!DZ3fjg!slii2cf5qLnRUaEviIcTa62uQ22BkthcsShcK7lnz6i8pGopcY1_9pPUTqTH_vw$ ) with Nick Cruse (of the Fred Hampton Leftists show) as I write this and they're covering the recent kerfuffle over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attending a $30,000/ticket gala at the Met wearing a dress which reads "Tax the Rich" which was made by a Canadian immigrant from Toronto. Of course, AOC played up the immigration without clearly pointing out the immigration was from a neighboring state.
> Jimmy Dore also said that Nina Turner, who recently lost her run for federal Congress, is joining The Young Turks, Dore's former employer and an organization that has multiply attempted to smear Dore, Glenn Greenwald, and Aaron Maté among other notable actual journalists doing real journalistic work. It looks like it's only a matter of time until Turner will join in the lying and smearing TYT does.
> They're also covering the recent G. W. Bush speech on 9/11 and the liberals fawning over former Pres. Bush as the establishment still tries to rehab Bush's image. Jimmy Dore pointed out that the Democrats and "shit-libs" (as Dore calls them) hate Ralph Nader because Nader "gave us George [W.] Bush" but now the shit-libs love G. W. Bush and still hate Nader.
> Another Jimmy Dore show -- now available on Dore's channel archived as https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://youtube.com/watch?v=iwPKnOhJRYg__;!!DZ3fjg!slii2cf5qLnRUaEviIcTa62uQ22BkthcsShcK7lnz6i8pGopcY1_9pPUsm-kU_g$  -- is well worth watching, it's about 1h 15m of Dr. Robert Malone explaining vaccines, US vaccine policy, and telling us how we're not going to vaccinate ourselves out of this pandemic even under ideal conditions.
> -J
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