[Peace-discuss] Recent Jimmy Dore shows are worth your time

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Wed Sep 15 22:31:46 UTC 2021

Brussel, Morton K wrote:
> What i find more interesting  is that there was no mention of the success of China
> in dealing with the Covid virus: Has its dramatic success been due to a use of
> vaccines or due to their authoritariann system of detecting, tracing and enforced
> isolation in their population?

Although Dore & Malone didn't get into that, Dore has discussed the success of 
dealing with Covid-19 in other countries (China, Vietnam, Italy, and Sweden are what 
I can recall) during his live show. The live show in its entirety is available at the 
time they record the show live and later to subscribers. Dore's position on this 
comes from comparing published articles since (as he tells people) he doesn't have 
independent knowledge of what's going on in each of those countries. Dore also brings 
up that other countries treat their locked-down workers far differently than the US: 
other countries pay some part of a worker's salary but the US doesn't do this. The 
payments appear to help compliance with lockdown.

Dore has invited Malone back on and I'm guessing that they'll get into more topics 
later. In this episode, Malone had to leave and that segment was one of Dore's longer 
segments (over an hour). I don't recall an instance where someone was invited back to 
Dore's show and didn't come back so I'm guessing there's more to come.

> Also, way too much time (after the half way point) was devoted to the things not
> directly relevent to Covid prevention,  instead discussing the Ivermecin drug— its
> efficacy/usefulness, or not . A Dore issue.

Jimmy Dore is in a study involving his own treatment. I don't know about any more 
details about the study than were presented in that segment. I'm sure there will be 
more to come on that when the study results are released.

Dore has spoken a couple of times about his own use of Ivermectin; he has 
consistently said it relieved joint pains he got after getting vaccinated (he's had 
the double dose -- fully-vaccinated). He's also said that although he's never been 
infected with Covid-19 after he got the jabs he felt horrible and now presents with 
"long Covid" symptoms. Dore has also been quite candid about his own medical history 
with a degenerative bone disease he had to get a specialist to treat. This drives 
some of his interest in Medicare for All.


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