[rfu-automation] Meetings tonight... be there or be square!

dan blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 14:04:44 CST 2007

Hey all,
Just a friendly reminder that tonight within the IMC main space, 202
E. Broadway in Urbana (the old downtown post office), several working
groups along with the general membership will be meeting.  Below are
the meeting times.  Not a WRFU member but want to be... come out these
meetings are open to the public.

6PM to 7PM - Training and Scheduling groups
7PM to 8PM - Automation and Tech groups (possible field trip to the tech space)
8PM to 9PM - General meeting

Training and Scheduling Agenda:
Formalize a the process for new members and shows
Identify trainers and set regular training times
Approve/Identify any new show proposals

Automation and Tech Agenda:
Review mic 2 issue
Streaming server (also proposed new automation server) kaput
Streaming quality/bandwidth issue
IMC-Africa simulcast (new IMC sponsored radio stations going live in Africa)
Discuss rfu-tech specific monetary donation usage

General Meeting Agenda:
Rev. Z.
Working group items
Approval of new shows
<insert items here :)>


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