[rfu-automation] Farmworker Opportunity Programs PSAs

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 3 19:11:53 CST 2008

We received a CD from the Department of Justice today. I placed the 
brown manila envelope with the CD and the accompanying brochure in the 
RFU mail slot in the Finance office. It's from the Commission on 
Farmworker Opportunity Programs.

The brochure is in Spanish and mine is pretty rusty. I think the PSAs 
are about farmworkers' rights, based on my quick (and perhaps not 
totally accurate) translation of the brochure. If that is so, the CD has 
30 second PSAs on it in both Spanish and English, plus a longer, but 
less than 5 minute, piece that is in Spanish that I assume is a more 
in-depth explanation about the program.

If my translation is correct that it is only about farmworkers' rights, 
then we may want to put the PSAs into automation for a few months. The 
CD could then be put in the studio so that those shows who do part of 
the programming in Spanish could also use it when they'd like to.

One concern I had was that my translation didn't miss anything. I heard 
just today on NPR about some new law that makes it a crime to assist or 
aid anyone who is in the country illegally. If this is in any way part 
of that, then I would argue we should NOT use these PSAs. That is 
because the law was designed to scare people out of the country. If the 
givernment wants to do that, let them buy time on commercial stations, 
as that would NOT be something our mission statement would allow. I 
don't think that it is, but someone with better language skills in 
Spanish than I should read the brochure and listen to the CD.

Most likely, that won't be an issue. I think that we were sent this 
because we broadcast Linea Abierta, etc.
Mike Lehman

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