[rfu-membership] Updated Lists of Renewed and NOT YET Renewed Shows

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 10 14:04:03 CST 2007

Here's the latest updated list of shows/programming groups that are 
renewed, along with those that still do NOT have either one or both 
members renewed. Remember that all shows that are not renewed by Nov. 20 
will automatically be dropped from the WRFU schedule.

All RFU membership renewals were due October 31. This is the latest 
UPDATED list of renewals, as of Nov. 8. Please note that there may be 
some minor errors in these lists, due to this project falling to the 
usual small group of volunteers. If you find one, info will be given 
below about what to do about it. _Please read this updated list 
carefully and completely so you can ACT NOW to give us a chance to 
correct anything that may be wrong._

List 1
The first list are those shows/programming groups that have renewed at 
least two members and whose program slots are secure. Give yourself a 
pat on the back and look forward to your show through the next year:

11th Indian
Almost Lunch
Andrew Lloyd Webber to ZZ Top
Back in the Day
Blackout Forecast
Clean through the Word
A Critical Ear
Cuban/Missel Crisis
Daughters of Eve
Friction Radio/Electric Koolaid
Higher Praise/Word & Song
IBGM/Heads Up
Logic Consortium
Lolaka ya Africa
Nomadic Coral Reef
Sabah Nuur
Seed of Faith
Simply Living/Progressive Personal Finance
Sisters on the Air
Sonic Asylum
Soul Refreshing
The Show

List 2
Second, here are shows/programming groups that have one member renewed. 
If you do have 2 members who are renewed, let us know who both of them 
are so we can check our records. These shows/programming groups all NEED 
at least one more member renewed ASAP to be current or they will risk 
losing the show in the near future, as described below:

The 4 O-'clock Spot
Agora Urbana
Civil Music
Habari Connection/Word Up Radio
The Junction
Kingdom Building Ministries
Radio Triple R
William Jones

Please see the list of individuals who renewed in the list below, but 
who did not indicate which programming group they are a member of. Some 
of these names may be the second member of the groups above and on List 
3. You need to let us know immediately if this is the case, so your show 
doesn’t get dropped because of not providing us with enough info to 
properly credit your programming group with enough members.

List 3
Third, here are shows/programming groups that are currently being logged 
as on air in the studio, but who have NO members listed as renewed yet, 
so will be losing the show as of Nov. 20 as described below, unless you 
act to RENEW immediately!:

Blue Flame Radio
Muslim Mosaic
Sunday Night Sound System

List 4
Fourth, these are shows that are on the schedule, but which have not 
been logged and for which we did not find email notices of any of the 
missed shows being canceled. Technically, any show which fails to log 
two weeks in a row without notice via email to the list is automatically 

Town Talk

I have heard from a number of people who say that they will be renewing 
in the next day or two or "soon." Remember that RFU-Membership is 
working from the IMC/RFU membership renewal forms that you submit. If 
you haven't done submitted a renewal form yet, _you need to do so ASAP 
at this point!!!_

This info was current as of about Thursday, Nov. 8 so if you've renewed 
since it may not be reflected here.

For instance, we received several memberships recently that didn't 
indicate a programming group on the form, so we're not sure which, if 
any, programming group these people may represent. These are the names 
of people who have renewed, but who did not indicate they were a member 
of a specific programming group:

Samuel Ero-Phillips
Steven Fonzo
Daniel Gutierez
Daniel Kovari
Michael Starks
Michael Stacks (? Same as above name?)
Michael Sherfield
Adam Vogel

At this point, if there is info that needs to be corrected, it is the 
individual programming group's members who have the responsibility to 
bring any needed corrections to the attention of 
rfu-membership at ucimc.org -- ASAP, please.
If you have any questions about your personal membership status or the 
status of your programming group, you can also bring them to the next 
RFU general membership meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 8pm. At that 
meeting, we will finalize the new schedule based on the membership forms 
we have in hand. _Shows that do NOT have at least 2 members will be 
automatically cancelled as of that date!!!_ _Your show slot will be 
declared OPEN for any other group to claim and the studio door lock 
combination will be changed._

The above lists and instructions will be posted on the studio door and 
on the bulletin board inside. If you haven't been checking your email 
this is the last and only opportunity to communicate to you how 
important it is to have your programming group properly renewed before 
you find your show canceled as of Nov. 20 due to non-compliance.

Mike Lehman

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