[rfu-membership] Immediate response required: WRFU show

Andrew Ó Baoill andrew at funferal.org
Tue Dec 9 16:01:06 CST 2008


I haven't heard anything from you about the status of your radio show,  
in response to my previous mail. Please respond to myself and the  
membership list, so we can confirm the status of your show. In  
particular, you should address the issue of membership dues, which I  
understand you have yet to pay. Dues consist of $18 in WRFU  
membership, and a sliding scale donation of $25 up (waive-able in part  
or whole in case of need) to the IMC - both parts must be completed in  
order to maintain your membership. Annual membership fees were due  
several months ago. In addition, I understand from Noel that your  
programming partner may not currently be in town - we will need  
details of this in order to agree, as a group, how to properly deal  
with this issue.

It's important that you respond to this mail to acknowledge receipt  
and to address the above matters. If not you risk being locked out of  
studio when the old code is removed from the door. In addition, it is  
important that I, as station manager, and the working groups in  
general, are able to maintain proper communication with volunteers -  
your response is necessary for me to confirm that you are reading my  
messages. If you do not, I will have no choice but to have you removed  
from the list of those authorized to operate the studio.

WRFU Station Manager

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