[Rfu-station] finance notes from 9/12/07

RANDALL R HAWKINS lrhawkins at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 12 23:04:10 CDT 2007

Below are the notes from the Finance meeting Wed night, 9/12/07.  If you were there and have corrections, additions, or comments please feel free to post them to the list.
  Finance Meeting Wed Sept 12, 2007
  Updates on fundraising events
  Farmer’s Market
  Paperwork has been submitted and we are awaiting a reply. We will begin attending on Sept 22, with Brianne and Scott going to that market. We passed a sign up sheet. This sheet will also be available at the membership meeting and at the general meeting.Brianne is coordinating the Farmer’s Market booth. Dan is helping make the live broadcast possible.
  Trivia Nights at Area Bars.
  Jennine Crucet, Andrew Missel, and Matt Delgado are arranging with the Esquire to host Trivia Nights. They are thinking these will be on Thursday nights and will probably start Sept 20 around 7:30. Watch for a posting about this event. 
  Dance Day
  The original idea of the Dance Day was to provide different types of dance instruction during the day, and then one big dance event in the evening. People could buy tickets to instruction alone, event alone, or a combo price. But we do not have anyone to coordinate this idea. If anyone would like to volunteer to coordinate this event then it will be possible. Otherwise we will drop this idea.
  Electronics Sale
  The date of the Electronics Sale is Oct 18, 19, 20. This event will actually be IMC wide. Lavana will write an e-mail to send out to IMC lists about this event, and Mike will send it out. We will need drop off days set, and people to be there to test donations, and we need to designate a place to store donations until the sale. Lavana will contact Chris about arranging a spot. We will need volunteers to work the day of the sale
  Mike is coordinating this, and Sept 22nd is the date of the first shirts being made. He has gotten some prices from Weiskamp.
  Lavana forgot the mock up brochure, but she will send it on to those who need to Jennine and Mike.
  Equipment for live broadcast
  Dan is working on this
  Splash Page for web site 
  Dan has had some people volunteer to help with the web site. Lavana thought she had seen this already up, but when she checked again at home after the meeting she was wrong.
  Logo Contest
  We looked at two entries. A design will be chosen at the General RFU meeting on Tuesday Sep 18th.
  We have a couple of PSAs so far. We have one posted in the studio. And there is one recorded in the Automation. Jennine and Andrew will work on a PSA specifically about the Trivia Nights. Lavana will work on one for the Kids on the Radio Day, and Electronics Sale.
  New event Ideas
  Kids on the Radio event
  Lavana will begin working on this using a No Public School date during the week to minimize the impact on programming. Oct 8th is a strong possibility.
  Involving the Membership
  We have roughly 40 programs. If each of these programs is able to generate $500 in donations, then we will meet our goal of $20,.000. $20,000 sounds pretty overwhelming, but $500 is not. We will encourage each programming group to think of ways to meet this small goal.
  A message will be sent to the station list asking each show to think of 2-5 specific businesses, organizations, or individuals that might respond to a personal letter from RFU. Lavana will begin drafting this e-mail. Jennine will begin drafting the donation letter to be sent. Dan has a letter that he wrote for IMC donation requests that Jennine can use to begin with. This letter and information about underwriting will also be made available in the studio for members to pick up and use themselves to talk about donation opportunities to people. 
  At least for this campaign, we will try to make donating for businesses as easy as possible. The letter will offer a simple program of underwriting for a flat donation. If businesses are interested in underwriting on more of a long-term basis, then the Underwriting Packet will be made available to them. This will also make it easier for the general membership to talk about with people.
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