[Rfu-station] IMPORTANT: Technical issues - some resolved, some continue

Andrew Ó Baoill andrew at funferal.org
Tue Mar 25 12:47:26 CDT 2008

I happened to stop by the station today, as I wanted to do some work  
on the automation (more on that below). IMPORTANT DETAILS FOLLOW  

When I entered studio I saw a piece of paper over the computer  
screen, noting that the computer was not working. Looking at the log,  
several shows had noted their inability to access the computer over  
the past 19 hours. Strangely, some others had indicated that they had  
completed the transmitter check, which I believe to be untrue.

This is a serious issue, so I want all station personnel to be  
certain they understand this:
Completing the transmitter check and signing the log is an important  
licensing requirement. It is one of the few ongoing documentary  
requirements for the station, and one of the few mandatory  
requirements for those allowed station airtime. Transmitter checks  
MUST be completed at least every three hours when the station is  
being manually operated (not in 'unattended' automation mode).

I have now 'fixed' the computer by rebooting it, and completed a  
transmitter check at 12:22pm today.

 From now on I want all station personnel to ensure they follow the  
following steps:
* If you cannot complete a transmitter check contact one of the  
station emergency contacts listed in the station, or myself. We may  
direct that broadcasting cease until the situation can be resolved.
* Technical problems in the station - broken equipment, missing  
equipment, should be notified to the rfu-tech list as well as to the  
rfu@ list as soon as possible.
* Operators MUST include their SIGNATURE on the log, AS WELL AS their  
NAME in block capitals. Some have taken to scribbling an illegible  
version of what I take to be their name, or fail to sign the log.  
BOTH OF THESE ARE UNACCEPTABLE. This is NOT a rule I'm making up for  
the fun of it - it is a licensing requirement.
* Operators should note the time of their transmitter reading on the  
* Operators should note the readings received. I've been listing mine  
in the form 150/10 or similar. I'll shortly amend the log sheets so  
they explicitly call for this. Until then please follow this format.

AUTOMATION: the station is currently playing automation. I came to  
the IMC to add an item to Zara radio (we've just gained permission to  
broadcast New Internationalist Radio). However, I have been unable to  
do so as the computer is locked, and won't let me log in because "a  
device connected to the system is not functioning.' I don't want to  
reboot this computer, in part because we're currently broadcasting  
automation, and in part because I'm not sure that if I do reboot I'll  
be able to log in and restart automation. Assistance from RFU Tech  
members would be appreciated.


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