[Tbtn] fwd: meeting (Sunday at 7:30 at Urbana Espresso), etc.

ruxandra m costescu rcostesc at uiuc.edu
Fri Apr 23 16:53:33 CDT 2004

Re-sending this as I don't see it on the list, hopefully it won't appear twice:

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 16:22:03 -0500
From: ruxandra m costescu <rcostesc at uiuc.edu>

Hi! We're meeting on Sunday as usual at 7:30 at Espresso. We will be 
discussing the division-of-labor for the rally + march, route/security, some 
last-minute fliering/other publicity, speakers, sponsors, basically everything 
to make sure that we're ready.

The meeting on Wedesday went well, we are definitely on top of things, I 
believe Erica will be sending out some notes she took. :) 

Liz is working on the booklet to pass out at the rally (with all the TBTN info 
and the route map) -- we'll need to get those printed out!

We should have a presence at the SAAM booth on the Quad, we already have some 
people who have volunteered, I'll send the SAAM announcement from Ross just in 
case you didn't get it. We'll have leaflets and fliers which you can pass out. 
Also, SAAM has the mike at noon on the Quad on Wednesday the 28th, and we 
should make an announcement for TBTN (I'll do it if no one else volunteers).

If anybody on here is interested in doing security who hasn't just gotten a 
message about that from me, please let me know.

We are currently hearing back from various groups who want to co-sponsor, I'm 
keeping an up-to-date list at:


(together with all kinds of other information).

Also, I've been contacted by someone in San Francisco (who has ties to 
Champaign-Urbana) who is interested in giving a donation for us to use in any 
way we want -- I told them to send it (btw, Ross, it'll come to the Office of 
Women's Programs), and that the money left over, if any, would be donated to 
some local organization that we work with.

Finally, we'll have another meeting either Wednesday night or Thursday night, 
we should decide exactly when and where to tie off any loose ends. 


PS: To summarize, for those interested in helping out over this last week 
there are a few possibilities:
- making sure our fliers are posted in all the main places around campus and 
- leafletting anywhere, on the Quad or dining halls, or the public libraries
- signing up for a shift at the SAAM booth on the QUAD
- signing up to do security or road blocking for the rally and march
- some phone-calling and errands we need to take care of before Friday 
(confirming the child care location, making sure we have enough fliers, 
printing out quarter-sheet leaflets, printing out the TBTN booklet and chant 
lists, buying poster board, buying bottled water or getting water dispensers 
and paper cups...)
- helping with errands/tasks the day of (picking up bullhorn and road-crossing 
vests from the police, bringing all the props out to West Side Park...)
- anything else, if you have ideas

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