[Tbtn] Meetings Wednesday and Thursday pm

ruxandra m costescu rcostesc at uiuc.edu
Mon Apr 26 21:20:02 CDT 2004

As there are lots of little things to take care of right before the march, we 
should meet both Wed. and Thursday. Can we meet later Wednesday night, around 
9? I won't be able to be there otherwise, but if people are actually going to 
be there we can keep it earlier and y'all can meet without me. :) 

So we're meeting at Espresso in Urbana at 9pm on Wed and 7:30 pm on Thursday, 
unless it's announced otherwise.

Oh, yes, the web address is:
-- information is being compiled there, check it out.

Oooooh, we're getting closer.... But like Erica said, things are falling into 
place, so it's all good. :) Take care, everyone, and see you soon,


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