[Tbtn] Re: Today's SAAM meeting

Zoe S. zoespice66 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 25 23:06:59 CST 2004

And I'll explain..to me TBTN is about being
>loud, big and demanding that society take women and violence against them 
>serious, having a talk about how we need to learn to defend ourselves seems 
>to reiterate to point that women should not be out alone at night and that 
>it's a woman's responsibility to not become a victim.

i think that it is equally important to recognize that every night is not 
take back the night and that we _should_ learn how to use our strength and 
voice to protect ourselves. in essence take back the night is demanding that 
society take women and violence against them seriously, but also having that 
one night where you are free from the guardianship of a boy. to me, feeling 
and knowing that i have the ability within me to get my own back makes every 
night take back the night. learning to defend ourselves proves that women 
should be alone at night, and will be alone at night.

that is just my feeling on the matter.

>From: Michelle Clutts <cluttsm at awomansfund.org>
>To: ruxandra costescu <rcostesc at ews.uiuc.edu>,take back the night list 
><tbtn at lists.cu.groogroo.com>
>CC: Ross A Wantland <wantland at ad.uiuc.edu>
>Subject: Re: [Tbtn] Re: Today's SAAM meeting
>Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 11:59:52 -0600
>Hi all,
>Sorry I missed the last meeting but I'm definitely excited about working on 
>TBTN this year.  I think this is a great start, I know for the speakers I 
>have contacts with some of the potential speakers and could work on that.  
>As for the idea about moving the location I think it would be cool to move 
>that march to a more campus and community friendly location.  I've 
>participated in a march around downtown and the route was pretty much 
>focused on the main streets where the bars, cafes and other businesses are 
>located.  Ruxandra, I'm not sure what part of the community you think we 
>may be perceived as targeting?
>I'm also a little uncomfortable with the idea of 3-5 minute self-defense 
>talk.  And I'll explain..to me TBTN is about being loud, big and demanding 
>that society take women and violence against them serious, having a talk 
>about how we need to learn to defend ourselves seems to reiterate to point 
>that women should not be out alone at night and that it's a woman's 
>responsibility to not become a victim.  I definitely think we should 
>provide information (i.e. a table or info booth) at the rally for anyone 
>that wants to learn self-defense, I'm just not sure about talking about it 
>at the rally.
>Those are my opinions.
>Let me know what you think.
>At 08:34 AM 2/25/2004 -0600, ruxandra costescu wrote:
>>Hm... I'm thinking about it... I don't have a problem with changing the
>>location... But the turn out may be smaller b/c it's harder to get to
>>Westside Park than the Union. Also, I'm trying to figure out what the
>>route would cover. Going through downtown, by the bars etc. would be
>>awesome... However, I'm somewhat weary that we're automatically going to
>>appear to be "targeting" a certain part of the community, which we might
>>want to think about a little. One year, we started at Scott Park, and even
>>though it was a campus march, starting there was just a really bad idea,
>>it felt very strange, precisely b/c it seemed we were focusing on a
>>specific area of the community.
>>Other thoughts?
>>On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Susan M. Kazmierczak wrote:
>> > Hello everyone,
>> >     At the meeting this afternoon, we talked as a group about having 
>>rally and march at Westside Park.  Everyone at the meeting thought this
>>would be the best way to get the community involved and it would also be a
>>change since the last 3 years it has taken place on campus. What do you
>>all think?
>> >
>> > Sue
>> > Graduate Assistant for the Office of LGBT Concerns
>> > Graduate Assistant for the Children and Family Research Center, Best 
>>Practice Research
>> >
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>>Tbtn at lists.cu.groogroo.com
>Michelle Clutts
>Program Associate
>Rape Crisis Services
>501 West Church Street
>Champaign, IL 61821
>Office phone: 355-5214
>Fax: 355-5270
>24hr Hotline: 355-5203
>Tbtn mailing list
>Tbtn at lists.cu.groogroo.com

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