[Trees-executive] ExCom minutes 3/21/01

j-beauch at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu j-beauch at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Thu Mar 22 13:43:14 CST 2001

                 IP Customers United to Save Our Trees

                 Minutes for Executive Committee Meeting

Date & Time: March 21, 2001, 7 PM

Place: House of Kyra Shair, 1018 W. Springfield, Champaign, IL

Present: Audrey Fisher, Mary Schlembach, Joyce Hofmann, John J. McMahon, 
         Chris McMahon, Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Jerry Landay, 
         Pauline Bartolone, Colleen Sarna, Kyra Shair, Fran Turquette, 
         Jim Beauchamp (Sec)

In some cases, I have paraphrased what I heard people say. In no case
are these direct quotations. Hopefully, I have covered the gist of
what people said.

John began by reviewing the meetings with State Reps. Winkel and Berns
which took place on Monday, March 19. They have been very supportive of
us, even though they were not able to get us an invitation to the
Dan Rutherford-sponsored  meetings between IP and the other intervenors.
He stressed that even though IP has now withdrawn their tariff, our 
campaign is not over. We don't know what the cities counter-tariff 
consists of. Although IP has (according to the News-Gazette quoting
Winkel) "*pledged* to talk to citizens groups such as Save Our Trees",
we don't when this will happen or what they will show us. In any case,
we need to be ready with our objections and our own counter-proposal.

Jim and Jerry: What do we do now?

John: We need to still collect signatures to use to support our 
bargaining position. The message at the top of the affidavit should
be modified. (JB: In fact, it is now a petition instead of an affidavit,
is it not?) 

Jerry: Is it possible that the new tariff will be unacceptable?

John: All they've really committed to so far is to getting owner's
permission (JB: before tree removal?)

Kyra: Wants to remove the zone illustration from the tariff. I.e., no
specification of zones where they have jurisdication outside the 5
foot easement.

John: The private property argument supports our position. Because of
his engineering background, Tom Berns is especially supportive of this

Jerry: Here is some business to put on the front burner.

Jerry supplied an "agenda" of 9 items to discuss, although our discussion
followed a somewhat different path.

Jerry: There is the question of lack of continuity of leadership when
Laura receded into the background. Also, Carl is frequently out of town.
Also, there has been no financial reports. The people on this ExCom are 
financially responsible if something untoward should happen.  Also, 
committees are not always functioning and are not coordinated. So we 
need alternative leadership. We need, in Laura's absence, a new co-chair
to work with Carl to make sure this group is operating smoothly and to
provide leadership in achieving our goals.

John: On the question of our financial status, his charges are a large
part of the budget and are currently in the range of $2500. Whereas
he anticipated a need for $15,000, with the June hearings surely
cancelled and the possiblity of a good settlement, he anticipates he
would need much less. He is charging our group half of his usual rate
or $50/hour.

Colleen: We have raised in the neighborhood of $6000 to $7000.

Pauline: She and Colleen will handle the treasury report for the 
General Meeting on the 29th. She doesn't think the problem is with our
leadership but rather with obtaining sufficient volunteers.

Jerry: nominates Kyra to be chairman of the ExCom and co-coordinator
of the campaign until Laura returns.

Kyra: has time to do it for the next three weeks. She wants to have
media at the meeting on the 29th.

Audrey: seconds the motion.

Jerry: calls for the motion, which passed unanimously.

Colleen: estimates that 500 signatures have been received so far.

John and Kyra: Let's invite Peter Milberg, IP rep (spoke at 3/12 
hearing) to speak at our Gen. Meeting on the 29th. Would also like to 
invite Mike Brunk and possibly Tom Berns and Rick Winkell. The press
could also be there. 

Mary: Finch-Hewett Park could be a good place for a press conference,
as that is the location of the proposed heritage trees.

Discussion ensued about who can man booths and when and where this 
should happen. Also, who is elgible to sign petitions.

Fran: How long will it take for IP to come up with the new tariff?

John: It could take several months. If it is agreeable to all parties
concerned, they probably won't be another ICC hearing.

Arbor Day suggestions:

Audrey: We should emphasize education on proper pruning practice.

Kyra: Joyce Thorton Walters house could be a focal point. Let's shoot
for April 28th at 2 PM at her place at Prospect and Dodds. Kyra will 
organize this.

Also mentioned was historic trees. Possibility of Marty Cohen speaking.
John McMahon's (subdued) band playing. Making it a family event,
including children. Involving high school kids. Possibility of Rebecca's
dad giving a speech.

Jerry will invite Marty Cohen.

Kyra: We should also have a presence at the 4th of July parade.

Susan Stone was suggested as a speaker for a future meeting.

Mary: Ralph Nader will be here on April 12th.

Jim will contact Carl about having a small leadership meeting this 
weekend and the Octopus about placing an ad for the 29th meeting.

Another suggestion was to invite Todd Satterthwaite and Jerry Sweinhart
to discuss the underground cable trials.

John: If you are approached to comment by the media, be sure to mention
that IP has *pledged* to work with us.

Meeting adjourned

Respectively submitted by
Jim Beauchamp
Secretary, IPCUTSOT

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