[Vip-environmental] Orientation Nights and Environmental Action Night

Stephanie Juen juen at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 31 15:39:04 CDT 2005

Hello everyone!

Hopefully the semester is treating you well so far, and more 
importantly I hope your classes aren't going to keep you too 
busy to get in a little volunteering on the side. I have a 
couple of upcoming events to let you guys know about.

First, on September 1st (tomorrow) Students for 
Environmental Concerns will be hosting their annual 
Environmental Action Night. VIP-Enviro will have a table at 
the event to get our name out there and hopefully recruit 
more volunteers. Stop by, say hello, and find out more 
about the other environmental groups on campus! (I have 
included more details about the event at the end of this 
e-mail for those interested)

Next, we have Orientation Nights coming up next week. There 
are two nights, but the same information will be presented 
both nights, so you only need to attend one. These meetings 
will give me a chance to get to know you guys better, I will 
be talking about our projects and events for the upcoming 
semester, and you will get the chance to become more 
familiar with the VIP-Enviro coordinators you will be 
working with in the coming months. On that note, I do have 
several coordinator positions open, so if you are interested 
in a leadership role, Orientation Nights are a great 
opportunity to talk with me about it. Our meeting times this 
semester are...

***Tuesday Sept 6 @ 7pm in 205 Gregory Hall***
***Thursday Sept 8 @ 6pm in 131 English Building***

PLEASE try and make it to one of these meetings to hear more!

Finally, just a few events coming up soon to keep in mind...
-We will be doing TWO river clean-ups this semester! The 
first is a new one, and it will be Sept 17 on the Sangamon 
River. The other is our annual Salt Fork River Clean-up 
event on Oct 8. In the past people have had a ton of fun, so 
pencil them in early!
-If you like working with kids, we will be having a training 
session to do fun nature activities and games with kids as a 
Volunteer Naturalist at the Anita Purves Nature Center. Date 
and Time are still pending.
-We will also be starting our usual outdoor workdays with 
the Urbana Park District and the Champaign County Forest 
Preserve District very soon, so get ready to get outside and 
enjoy the weather while it's nice!
I will be sending more detailed information on these and 
more events as the dates get closer. I just wanted to give 
you a heads up though. :)

I hope to see a lot of you in the near future!

Stephanie Juen
VIP-Environmental Director


It's not just happening in the Amazon. 

Illinois, the "Prairie State,"  has lost more than 90 
percent of its prairie to farming and development.

Just yesterday, the state attorney general accused the 
Illinois EPA of repeatedly ignoring pollution violations by 
coal-burning power plants in Chicago and Peoria. (More than 
7,000 violations were documented, all of which occured since 
1999 at just six of the 22 plants in Illinois). 

Come learn more. Meet cool people. Eat free food. 
Win some raffle prizes. Get some info you might want to 


What: Environmental Action Night 
When: THIS THURSDAY, Sept. 1st, 6-9 pm; talks begin @ 7pm

Where: University YMCA (across from Lincoln Hall on Wright 

Who: - Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS)
     - Alaska Coalition
     - The Prairie Group / Illinois Chapter of the Sierra
     - The Environmental Council of UIUC
     - Prairie Greens / Campus Greens
     - Red Bison
     - Engineers Without Borders
     - Wildlife Society
     - Prairie Rivers Network
     - Common Ground Food Co-op
     - Students Improving the Lives of Animals (SILA)
     - Water Environment Assocation
     - Republicans for Environmental Protection
     - Ecological Design Consortium
     - VIP Environmental 
     - UIUC & Illinois NORML
     - Campus Vegetarian Society 
     - Environmental Resources
     - Alternative Spring Break

Come out with your friends and enjoy free FOOD, raffle 
PRIZES and the latest INFO about the local environmental 


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