[Vip-environmental] VIP-Environmental Orientation Nights!

Sabrina Kuo skuo2 at uiuc.edu
Thu Jan 19 21:06:33 CST 2006

Hey guys!

I just wanted to remind everyone of the VIP-Environmental 
Orientation Nights.  We have two nights January 24 and 
January 26 at 7 pm in 388 Lincoln.  Coming to one of the 
orientation nights is really a great way to learn more about 
the project and to learn about upcoming events we've got 
planned.  Also I am still looking for coordinators so if you 
want to get more involved with VIP and take on a leadership 
role let me know and I can send you an application.  Don't 
worry if you can't make it to one of the orientation nights 
I will be sending out e-mails about our upcoming events and 
please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you have 
regarding the project. I can't wait to meet all of you at 
orientation nights.  We've got a great semester ahead of us 
so get excited! 

Sabrina Kuo
University of Illinois-Urbana, Champaign
VIP Environmental Director

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