[Vip-environmental] MORE EVENTS :)

Sabrina Kuo skuo2 at uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 9 10:46:26 CDT 2006

Hello, Me again :) 

Just a few more fun events to get involved with this month 

What: The keeshond rescue of Urbana has asked if we could send out weekly volunteers to the shelter to help out with things like cage cleaning, laundry, walking dogs, socializing dogs, ect.  Right now I'm trying to see what kind of interest we have from volunteers (you guys!) to actually make this a weekly commitment.  Right now I want to see what people's schedules are like, tentatively I'd like to send out volunteers Tue/Fri anytime from 11-2.  Also, I'd like to see how many volunteers are interested and have their own transportation to get out there each week.  We do have VIP vans but its hard to schedule everyone to get out to the shelter a few times a week so if people have their own cars and can get their on their own times that would be wonderful too.  So, if you interested in helping out at the keeshond rescue let me know and we can formulate another e-mail list for you guys and hopefully get a volunteer schedule set up. 

This is just like the Petsmart Adopt-a-athon we had earlier this semester.  Animal Outfiteers and Prairieland Feed store (both located on S Neil St.)are having their 16th annual pet Fair-Super Sail and they are letting rescues set up booths.  The keeshond rescue will have a table with a few dogs.  There will also be pony rides and a petty zoo at the event.   
When: Saturday October 21 (9-5) and Sunday October 22 (10-5) 
Right now I'm going to set it up like before, if you have your own transportation you can get out there when it's convinient for you.  I will be setting up one time on both days where the VIP vans can take people out but those times will be announced closer to the date.   

For those of you who don't know the champaign county humane society is located in Urbana and they are always looking for volunteers.  They have applications and orientation nights for prespective volunteers.  If anyone is interested in becoming a volunteer at the Humane society we will have applications at the VIP office in the RSO sometime towards the end of the week.  I volunteer at the humane society and really encourage all of you to pick up and application and join the program.  Its a great way to get off campus and get relieve some stress by playing with puppies/kittens, ect. 

When: October 28th (5-7 pm) 
Where: Allerton Park 
What: Allerton is having their Spooktacular event on Sunday the 29th and they need help carving pumpkins from their Jack-o-Lanten night hike.  Volunteers are getting together to carve pumpkins and enjoying a cookout hosted by Allerton park.  E-mail me if your interested.  It's going to be a lot of fun! pumpkin carving and food :) 

I just wanted to thank you guys for all your involvement and commitment to VIP, you guys mean a lot to our organization.  We wouldn't be able to do this without you guys and we really do appreciate all the time you put into the project.  As always feel free to email me with any questions/concerns.  Thanks! 

Sabrina :) 
Sabrina Kuo
University of Illinois-Urbana,Champaign
Junior in Animal Sciences
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority
Alpha Zeta Fraternity
VIP Environmental Director

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