[Vip-environmental] EVENT UPDATES

Sabrina Kuo skuo2 at uiuc.edu
Sun Oct 22 13:00:09 CDT 2006

Hi guys!

Just a few things for you...

1. I'm going to the Keeshond rescue again this Tuesday.  I'll be picking up people at the Union circle drive around 12:30 and we'll be back around 2.  If you can come that would be great! Email me if your interested so I can give you a few more details.

2. We're going pumpkin Carving this Saturday at Allerton Park! Vans will pick up from the union at 4:30 and return around 7:30.  If you can go please email me so I know how many people can come and what kind of vans we need to rent out. 

thanks guys!

Sabrina Kuo
University of Illinois-Urbana,Champaign
Junior in Animal Sciences
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority
Alpha Zeta Fraternity
VIP Environmental Director

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