[Vip-everyone] VIP Recruitment Nights! 8/25 or 8/26 at 7pm!!

Volunteer Illini Projects volunteerilliniprojects at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 22:27:36 CDT 2010

Hi Volunteers!

Thanks so much for your continued interest in Volunteer Illini Projects!

We will have our Fall Recruitment Nights this *Wednesday, August 25*
and *Thursday,
August 26* at *7pm** *in the *2nd Floor Ballroom of the Illini Union.* This
is located on the north side of the building.  Come out and sign up for some
new projects or see what current projects you're involved with have lined up
for the semester!  We encourage you to bring your friends and roommates with
you to check out VIP, too!!  At Recruitment Nights, you'll get to hear from
all *18* of our project Directors, sign up for their e-mail lists, and see
what's upcoming for this semester!    If you are unable to attend, but would
still like to be involved with VIP this year, please e-mail
volunteerilliniprojects at gmail.com and we can get you all of the
information.  Also, feel free to check out our website at
www.volunteerilliniprojects.com.  Here's a recap:

*What: VIP Recruitment Nights!
When: Wednesday, August 25 and Thursday, August 26 at 7pm
Where: 2nd Floor Ballroom of the Illini Union
Why: To learn about awesome volunteer events and meet our project Directors!
Hope to see you all there!

Volunteer Illini Projects Chair 2010
volunteerilliniprojects at gmail.com
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