[Vip-healthneeds] (no subject)

nassin at uiuc.edu nassin at uiuc.edu
Wed Oct 5 17:38:27 CDT 2005

Hey guys,
The AIDS walk went really well. Those volunteers who came 
out did a great job and those who helped with PR also did 
outstanding. The turnout at the walk was great! Let's keep 
up that enthusiasm for the rest of this semester's big 

1. St. Jude's letter writing party
2. Mural at the Nursing Home
3. Champaign Harvest Fest for CU Recreation

********St. Jude's Letter Writing Party ********************
This event will consist of a bunch of VIPers getting 
together to write some letters for pediatric cancer 
research. We will have pizza and a party atmosphere...so if 
you want to come hang out and help out the cancer patients. 
Let me know. I will send you a date and time when I know a 
convient time for everyone.

*******Mural Painting***************************************
We are going to be painting a mural for residents of a local 
nursing home. We just need a few more volunteers to help 
out. Don't feel shy if you arn't artistic, there are plenty 
of jobs for everyone!!! We will be having an informational 
meeting about this event next Wednesday at 5:30 in the 
basement of the Union (eatery near the wall by the bowling 
alley) If you can't make the meeting but would like to 
participate email me.

********Champaign Harvest Fest ****************************
Although, the weather doesn't feel like it fall is here and 
CU Special Recreations needs volunteers to help out at their 
annual Harvest Fest. The date is the 15th of October. Email 
me for more info.

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