[Vip-healthneeds] new opportunity

tkim10 at uiuc.edu tkim10 at uiuc.edu
Sun Sep 10 21:07:12 CDT 2006

Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you in on a new opportunity.  VIP-HN is teaming up w/ VIP-Arts Outreach and VIP-Senior Citizens to help out at Circle of Friends.  Circle of Friends is an adult day care center.  It looks like we will be sending volunteers on MONDAYS to do various activities with the seniors--such as playing games, just chatting, etc.  My question for you is, WHAT TIME WORKS THE BEST FOR YOU?!  The choices are 1-3 on EITHER Mon. or Fri.  I know a lot of you are premed, and I think that this is a great way to get to know an age group that you, as future doctors, will probably come into close contact with at some point of your career.  It's also a great opportunity if you are interested in physical therapy (which deals largely w/ elderly) or geriatrics. Please e-mail Darshil Patel at dpatel53 at uiuc.edu by Mon. to let him know which day (M or F) works best for you.  This is a regular volunteering opportunity (same time each week), so if you want to put in some regular volunt!
 eer hours I think this is a great way to do it.

Also, to all those amazing individuals who found time on Sat. to come hang out at Swann THANKS!  I heard from Leonora that everything ran pretty smoothly, and that we had a huge turnout!! 22 volunteers! Nice job guys.

Last thing, don't forget to e-mail Gina (gvercel2 at uiuc.edu) if you want to help out w/ the Arthritis Foundation's Golf outting this Sunday from 8 a.m.- noon.  It sounds like it's going to be tons of fun, and there will be free food (always a plus!).  

If you helped out w/ Swann this weekend, make sure you include that on your volunteer application form (due Sept. 30).   Have a great week everyone!


P.S. Scores are being tallied up for the free starbuck's cards a-z icebreaker.  I'll have the winners posted soon!
Golden Key Honorary Society
Volunteer Chair
Volunteer Illini Projects
Health Needs Director

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