[Vip-hh] Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week

alyssa sassetti asasset2 at uiuc.edu
Thu Nov 8 17:01:43 CST 2007

Hello HH Volunteers!!

Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week is here! (well almost!) We have two
big events going on and would love your help and participation in
them! The first event is a Faces of the Homelessness Panel Discussion.
Two residents of the TIMES center will come and share their
experiences of being homeless. We will also have a presentation about
bum fighting. It will be a very informative as well as moving
discussion. This will be on Monday, November 13th at 7pm in room 403
of the Union.

Tuesday November 14th  at 7pm at the YMCA on Wright Street we will be
holding on Oxfam Hunger Banquet. This is an interactive dinner to live
through the experience of hunger and injustice as well to educate
about the food disparity that exists in
the world. As each person enters they are given a card with a description of a
person on it. They are asked to sit in a certain section.
80% sit on the ground and are considered living in poverty and are
served a small portion of rice as their meal. 15% sit on chairs and
receive a plate with rice and beans. These
are the middle class of the world.
5% sit at tables and receive full meals. There is a script that will
be read through to explain how this dinner represents the dispersion
of hunger in the world today. After the dinner we will have a speaker
from Eastern Illinois Food bank and a letter writing opportunity to
write to Congress about the Bread for the World Campaign.

If you would like to help out or attend either of these events let me
know. Also, tell your friends! The more people that attend, the more
effective these presentations will be!

See you all next week!

Alyssa Sassetti
Junior in Early Childhood Education and Italian
Volunteer Illini Projects Hunger and Homelessness Director

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