VIP: Senior Citizens (no subject)

rgortow2 at rgortow2 at
Sun Feb 8 19:24:27 CST 2009

Hi again guys! Sorry to send another email, but it was brought to my attention 
that making cards for Senior Citizens for Valentine's Day would be a great idea! 
If any of you want to help out and make a card or two, we would love to give 
them to residents of the near-by nursing homes! You can drop off any cards 
you make in the tan/yellow envelope marked SENIOR CITIZENS on the door of 
the VIP office on the second floor of the Union in the RSO (Registered Student Organization) complex. (If you aren't sure where that is, you can email me for 
directions.) Cards would need to be finished and in the envelope by Friday 
night (Feb. 13) at 5:00 PM. If you are trying to fulfill a service hour requirement 
this semester, we will give you 5 minutes of volunteering for every card you 
make (so 12 cards= 1 hour of volunteering). Just make sure to put a note in 
the envelope with your cards stating your name and the number of cards you 
made if you want volunteering hour credit. Thanks in advance for making this 
Valentine's Day extra bright for local seniors! One more reminder- If you want 
to be taken off this mailing list, send me an email telling me the email address 
you want off the list.


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