VIP: Senior Citizens Saturday's Event

Rachael Gortowski rgortow2 at
Fri Oct 23 10:31:20 CDT 2009

Hi Guys! This is Rachael, your director for Senior Citizens. I want to give you more information about our event that will take place this Saturday (tomorrow, October 24). We will be making decorations with the VIP Arts Outreach Project for our up-coming Halloween Party. You don't need to be creative or good at arts and crafts to help us! We will be in room 405 of the Union. This is how you get to that room: The staircases to the room are on the North-West or North-East side of the Union. The other staircases on the South side of the Union don't connect to the floor that room 405 is on. The staircases are on either side of the section where the Union Hotel front desk and the fish tank are. You can also take the elevators right across from the Event Services desk. My phone number is (815)988-0642 if you are trying to find the room and can't. The event will be from 12-2PM, but you are not required to come for the whole time. If you just want to help out for 2 minutes, we will !
ill appreciate your help! Thanks, and I hope to see some of you there!

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